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          All News Company news Industry dynamics

          Like Sports | The most beautiful Chinese red, chengdu Circular trail online!

          2020-07-31 567次

          The most beautiful Chinese red!
          Another landmark building in Chengdu's Tianfu New District has been roofed
          That is -Purple light tianfu core city circle of wisdom

          Let's take a look at the actual display of the ring of Wisdom
          This red is really too gorgeous!

          Figure from@超超CHAOS

          The "Ring of Wisdom" roof is a 400-meter circular walkable surface
          Built according to the ups and downs of the terrain
          The bright red contrasts sharply with the surrounding green vegetation
          Very visual impact

          Figure from@超超CHAOS

          "At the end of The Yulin Road,
          Sit by the door of the tavern."
          Song "Chengdu" by Zhao Lei
          Put chengdu night, Chengdu's love
          The ease of Chengdu is vividly depicted
          So many people want to go to Chengdu
          Take a walk around the streets of Chengdu

          Now chengdu at night
          Add another beautiful scene
          - Purple light Tianfu core city ring of wisdom

          Figure from@天府新城那些事儿

          Such a beautiful ring of wisdom
          Design and construction is not a simple matter
          Want to know
          Just selecting the design team is very demanding
          After layers of checks
          The project side finally invited us
          Dutch architect Nanna DE Roux

          Led by Nanne, founder of The Powerhouse Company in the Netherlands, the Project features a red, walkable curved roof that rises and rises to create a green park around the centre, highlighting the theme of health and beauty.

          Figure from@Powerhouse Company

          Because of this, The Ring of Wisdom won the IAI Architectural Concept Award, which is one of the most influential and prestigious design awards in the Asia-Pacific region and even the world, and represents the highest honor in the field of design.

          The 400-meter roof circular walkway
          What makes it so gorgeous
          And its shop outfit material is having close concern
          The project side has been strictly audited
          The final choice is high quality and good reputation
          Love sports brand sports shop materials

          The 400-meter roof circular walkway
          Love breathable plastic runway materials

          The breathable plastic track produced by Love Sports is made of 100% solvent-free material and has been certified by China environmental protection products, China environmental label products, national environmental protection and health products, etc. The materials are brightly colored and durable, with excellent weather resistance, and the paved site has good impact resistance. In the rainy season, its porous molding material, good drainage, rain drainage is smooth without water, improve the use efficiency.

          High quality materials ensure the smooth completion of the Loop of Wisdom trail, which lays a solid foundation for the project to open to the public as soon as possible. Falling in love with sports as the "new national standard leader", has been providing more professional, healthy sports venues for everyone.

          Figure from@超超CHAOS

          Professional international designer
          High quality paving materials
          Create this beautiful "China Red"


          Figure from@Powerhouse Company

          The Ring of Wisdom trail with a splash of red
          Capturing the changing light and shadow of the chengdu sky
          It's amazing
          The Ring of Wisdom is expected to open to the public soon
          Don't forget to clock in then

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                女教师巨大乳孔中文字幕,成 人 黄 色 网 站 视频 s色,亚洲色偷拍另类无码专区,青青草97国产精品免费观看

