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          Sugarcane Central Primary School, Minhou County, Fuzhou City

          Sugarcane Central Primary School was founded in 1930, with 18 classes, more than 900 students and 53 teaching staff. In 2010, sugarcane county was transformed, and the school moved to Tanshi Ruijin culture school. In 2011, the construction of the new campus of the school was approved as one of the five major campaign projects in Minhou County. The new campus of sugarcane Central Primary School under preparation is located in the west side of Minhou experimental middle school, with a planned land area of 26.58 mu, designed according to 36 standard class sizes. 

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                女教师巨大乳孔中文字幕,成 人 黄 色 网 站 视频 s色,亚洲色偷拍另类无码专区,青青草97国产精品免费观看

